Wednesday, March 5, 2008

NHD Reflection

Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choicce
Tanaya Burns, Saleema Parker

My NHD topic was about Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice. I learned alot while doing this like what time period that you can get an abortion to the time you can't. To see the different sides on abortion like Pro-Life they think its wrong and want abortions to be illegal. Pro-Choice who think that its there choice if they want an abortion or not its not up to us to decide if they want to keep the baby or not, they think that abortion should be legal not illegal. Ican look back and say that i have learned alot while doing NHD even if i didn't want to do. Now I have a much better view on abortion (Pro-Life, Pro-Choice).

Working with a partner was alright, fun i guess but i do think working by yoursself is better because you can start when you want to start like you dont have to fill nobody in on what your doing. If you get a bad grade or something your going to try to blame it on the other person but if your by yourself you know its your fault nobody else or you just didn't want to do the work.

The sucesses in our project was that we got in done and i think we got a good grade we didn't get it yet but overall i think we did very good for two people who never done a documentary before. It was fun working with tanaya but sometimes she got on my nerves.

The challenges that we had was that was when we was finished the documentary we was adding something on it and everything got pushed back and the images and voice overs didn't match so we had to do over time on putting everything back in place but we got it done.

I really have nothing to say aboout suggestions for next year because i dont want to do it next year matter of fact i didnt want to do it this year so i dont know what to tell you.

But overall i think that we did good on our NHD project i think we should have an A or a B i dont think we did that bad to deserve a C.

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