Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Empire of The Sun


Empire of The Sun

During the movie Empire of The Sun, there was a lot of character development especially in the main character Jamie (Jim).

First of all before the War Jim was caring, gentle to the homeless people that he seen. Jim had really felt sorry for them because they were not living the life that he was. But on the other hand Jim was a real “brat” to his Nanny. When it was time for him to go to sleep and his mother told him he can’t have any more food that night, he told the Nanny to make him something to eat, if she didn’t do as he say he was going to tell on her. The way Jim acts comes from him being a spoiled little rich kid that gets what he wants, never starved or lived on the streets always had it good. That’s where Jim’s behavior came from in the beginning of the movie.

During the War Jim had changed a lot for instance Jim was more knowing of things around him.He knew better not to do certain things that would get him killed. But during the war Jim was very dependent on others such as always staying around Baise, or The Victors who shared a room with him which he though of them kind of like his parents. He knew a lot about The War and airplanes, which the Jap’s (Japanese) had. He wanted to fly one so he studied and learned more about them. This is how Jim was while the war was going on. He was dependent on others but also knew how to survive.

After the war Jim was very Independent he took care of himself. Doing thing on his own, not as naive as he used to be. Jim stop believing what everybody told him. Jim became very caring again he made friends with one of the Jap’s (Japanese) air pilots who was the enemy at the time. He was just a much better person.The thing is that Jim is a survivor he survived the war, found his parents and had finally let go of Baise. He let go of Baise because he was no good he kept on feeding Jim lies that he would take him with them when the war was over, but he lied and left without him. Jim had grew up hes not that spoiled little naïve bratty kid any more, he’s an independent young man who survived The War.

This is the character development of Jamie (Jim). He changed a great deal first Jim was a very spoiled brat who didn’t listen to any one. Then he was dependent on others to take care of him. Finally he was a independent young man who survived a very big War.

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